Seminole Theatre


There is a new star in town...Your Child! Does your child dream of taking center stage? Learn from the theatre industry's best!

 There is a new star in town...Your Child! Does your child dream of taking center stage? Learn from the theatre industry's best!

There is a new star in town...Your Child! 

Does your child dream of taking center stage? Learn from the theatre industry's best!

Take the first steps by participating in the Seminole Theatre’s Musical Theatre Conservatory Camp.  During this intensive four-week camp, campers will learn how to become a triple threat (actor, singer, dancer) from industry professionals and specialists with a focus on scene study, choreography, vocal training and song interpretation.  In addition, campers will learn the ins and outs of auditions, theater production, and rehearsal preparation, all while having fun, making friendships, and working inside a professional theater.  Campers will work toward their own musical theater showcase, presented on the Seminole Theatre stage for family and friends on the final Friday of class.

All campers receive:

  • 5 days (40 hours, Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM)
  • Instruction in singing, acting and dancing by some of theatres leading professionals.
  • Special Guest Artists
  • Q&A Sessions with industry professionals
  • Backstage seminar with a production crew
  • Official Camp Seminole t-shirts
  • Healthy lunches, snacks and water
  • Script & Music Binder, Pencils and Erasers
  • Scripts, Music and Audition Materials


Camp tuition to The Seminole Theatre Musical Theatre Conservatory is $600 for four weeks Each session will have a maximum of 40 students (ask about a sibling discount). You can reserve a spot in the camp by paying a non-refundable deposit of $100 by April 1st for Session One and by May 1st for Session Two with the balance due on the first day of camp.


Summer Camp Session 

Cost: $600.00
Deposit: $100.00 required when registering 
Duration: 4 weeks, begins on Monday, June 19th and ends on Friday, July 14th
Ages: 10-14
(Balance due on the first day of camp)


Cost: 100.00
Will be offered from Mon, June 12 - June 16
Check off the Before Care box on your registration Form


There are two ways to register:

In person: Registration Form
To reserve your spot, fill out the completed registration packet and bring deposit and payments to the Seminole Theatre Box Office Tues-Sat from 12pm-6pm.

Online: Registration Form
To reserve your spot, pay your deposit online and email completed registration packet to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information please call, Associate Director Tatyana-Marie Carlo 786.650.2073 or send an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Want to learn more about the Seminole Theatre Summer Camp? Join us for an Open House!




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Our History

The Theatre originally opened on November 26, 1921 as a cinema, primarily showing the then popular silent movies. The Seminole Theatre quickly became the place to go for entertainment and social gatherings in South Dade County and the upper Keys.

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18 N Krome Ave
Homestead, FL 33030, United States
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