Come to the next free gallery night and meet our current artist, Mario Almaguer
Thursday, 29 November 2018 7:00 PM


My work is born of the conscious connection and research of the rituals and symbolism of the Abakua secret society of the Afro -Cuban religion.These symbols and rituals were part of the environment of my childhood and totally influenced my perception of the universe.

Years later I discovered the work of the famous Spanish architect of the nineteenth Century Antoni Gaudi, which introduces me to the third dimension where I then connected syncretism and volume giving birth to my work.

Among the repetitive ritualistic elements found in my work are nails, eyes, the inter dimensional planes of the spiritual, astral and geometrical forms as well as organic and animal forms in unison with industrial and in animated elements .

This project I am presenting is the sum of all these concepts and experiences.


Metadata (will be hidden)

EventID = 52016814693
OrganizerID = 8857566965
VenueID = 13362852

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Seat Map 2016 17


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Here's What's Next


02.28.2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


03.01.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


03.08.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


04.11.2025 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


05.02.2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

At The Theatre

Our History

The Theatre originally opened on November 26, 1921 as a cinema, primarily showing the then popular silent movies. The Seminole Theatre quickly became the place to go for entertainment and social gatherings in South Dade County and the upper Keys.

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